Not true actually, though that would be convenient considering our recent purchase. I just checked and refrigerators aren't listed under Modern gifts for the twenty-second Anniversary either, nor are wedding day and yesteryear photo montages and "Happy Anniversary!" shout outs on Facebook, but that's what I got for Jennifer. That and this anniversary Blog Post.
I'll warn you now, it's not brief. Nothing I write ever seems to be, though this is exceptionally long. What can I say? It's a subject about which I'm quite passionate. If you're just here catching up on your Facebook news feed between other things you've got going on a busy day, don't bother with it. Instead scroll through the posted Throwback-Thursday, pre-digital camera, Kodak moments (side note: selfies have come a long way, wouldn't you agree?) and marvel along with me at how young Jennifer looked. As I dug through these photos I felt like a lecher. Is it possible Jenn wasn't quite eighteen when I married her? The paperwork was all in order, so that's what I'm going with (and that's all we'll say about that).
As for Jennifer (and any other interested parties) grab yourself a cold beverage and maybe a snack. Get comfortable, this might take a while. I have a story to tell. It's about the day I met Jennifer, how I fell for her and she for me and some other stuff that happened after that.
In short, it's a love story. Our love story.
Happy Anniversary Honey. Hope you like it.
This September I will turn forty six. It was twenty two Septembers ago that I met Jennifer, which means I've shared half* my life with her. Our story isn't an epic tale of star crossed lovers, kept apart by culture but united by fate, though it technically is an international love story. Our story doesn't include a Hollywood cinematic finale in which I whisk the reluctant bride away from an ill-fated wedding and we drive together into the setting sun in an Italian sports car, gazing all the while into each other's eyes and and giggling over our fortuitous escape, though we had both recently gone through bad break-ups. And it wasn't a Jane Austen 'I hate him until one day I realize that I actually love him' classic romance, though the first word Jennifer ever said to me was "Shush!" I don't suppose it's even a sufficiently interesting story that anybody not me, Jennifer or somebody who shares our last name and half our chromosomes would ever want to read about it. But that has never stopped me from writing in the past and it shan't today.
*Almost,give or take a few days by the time you read this. Yeah, I did the math.
I met Jennifer at Brigham Young University in the fall of 1991, in a chemistry class, specifically. Organic chemistry (even more specifically). I had a job on the freight crew stocking shelves at Albertson's. It was the graveyard shift and O-Chem 101 started at 10am, which means I had about two hours to sleep between the time I got off work and the beginning of class. I remembered when I registered I figured it would be OK, just like taking a power nap before pulling a late night cram session. Turns out I was wrong. Getting out of bed (and absorbing even simple information) on very little sleep is hard. On that particular (fated?) day I overslept, took too long in the shower, was too slow climbing the endless stairs from the parking lot west of the Smith Fieldhouse and by the time I reached the Martin Building, the lecture had already begun. The class was held in one of those arena style lecture halls that seem to seat a thousand students, the ones with four entries, two at the front of the hall and, up another flight of stairs, two at the rear. I've contemplated that pivotal moment and portentous decision to climb the stairs (more stairs, I'm already so, so tired) to the doors at the back the class and eventually to the open seat next to the cute girl in the last row. I actually mentioned it to Jennifer a few nights ago: "What would have happened had I not walked into that class late and taken the seat next to you?" In my mind it was an existential Bogart-esque quandary: "...of all the [lecture halls] in all the [universities] in all the world, why did I walk into this one?" Jenn's response?

"[meh] We had a class together and saw each other lots in the halls. We would have met eventually. What? Do you think you drank some love potion that day that just made you fall in love with me?"
Actually I was drinking an oversized and liberally caffeinated beverage from the Hearts convenience store off campus in an attempt to stay awake (I was very, very tired, did I mention?) but that could hardly be less important. What I thought, but didn't say was, "You're ruining* my Casablanca moment." Perhaps our fates and the fates of our yet to be conceived (or even conceived of being conceived) children didn't turn on me hitting the snooze button one too many times and taking too long in the shower and then eventually slinking in late to the back of the room. The truth is probably closer to Jenn's interpretation. But I've never let the truth get in the way of a good story. I don't think any storyteller worth their salt ever would.
* "That's because daddy's a romantic and you're enlightened." -Raechel, speaking to her mother (she was actually referring to our disparate attitudes about Valentine's Day but I find the quote is an apt description of many of our interactions)
I suppose all of that amounts to retrospective navel gazing, the point is I arrived when I arrived and sat where I sat, the first open seat I stumbled to in the back row. The fact that it was next to what on my first bleary-eyed impression was an attractive young lady was just a bonus. I hadn't been seated for more than a couple of minutes before I began, not actually flirting, but definitely making wise cracks to gauge the disposition of the girl I'd sat next to. Yes, I was there to learn about the covalent bonds formed between long chains of carbon and hydrogen but this was (and as far as I know is, in that I don't believe it's changed much) also BYU, I was far from the only person in the room with more than one motive in attending that august institution. I should say here that I'm not* the type to just start chatting up attractive people that I don't know. I blame the fact that I had only slept for two of the last 28 hours. Some people get really grumpy with lack of sleep, some become withdrawn, I get giddy and less inhibited, the way people do when they've had a bit too much to drink. This was a BYU undergraduate, general ed. class, not a singles bar though a venn diagram depicting the raison d'etre of the two entities would probably include more crossover area than most individuals who have earned a degree from Brigham Young University would care to admit, so I continued to quip, comfortable in the knowledge that no matter what came of it I would get to go home and sleep when it was over (I win!). I don't recall how long it took, or even if the attractive girl I sat down next to ever acknowledged me. The first response I got was a "shush!" from the person on my left...
*Or wasn't at the time, I think my career choice has forced me to become an extrovert, if I wasn't already one, to the point that I can't help myself (as anybody with a gmail or facebook chat option can attest). If we do social things like brunches or BBQs, pie parties or soup nights, it's generally my doing. It's not that Jenn doesn't enjoy or look forward to them, she just doesn't make as concerted an effort as me to engage. That was not always the case, certainly wasn't the case when we first met.

My initial thoughts upon meeting the woman I would one day marry? First, I remember hair. Lots of hair. This was the early 90's, think Julia Roberts in My Best Friend's Wedding, or Elaine from Seinfeld. Hair with volume (turned up to 11 volume), a riot of honey-coloured waves and curls and one of those elastic scrunchy things to hold the whole business together. Yes, I look back on it and chuckle, just like we all do with hairstyles that have come and gone but at the time I found it enticing, strikingly so. Jenn had and still has a great head of hair, hair that was made for exactly that style and it was prominently on display. Couple that with the fact that the girl I had recently stopped dating, upon hearing me tell her that I liked long hair, that I, like most men I knew, found it attractive, promptly cut it into a bob to prove a point. I probably should have seen the writing on the wall in that relationship long before I did. Now where were we? Ahh yes, my first impressions of Jennifer. There was the hair and then there was her complexion which was neither peaches and cream nor cafe au lait but somewhere in between: dulce de leche perhaps. By all accounts Jenn comes from Anglo-Saxon stock. Fourth generation Canadian with the standard Canadian mélange (ie British Isles, mainly Scotts and Irish with some Welsh thrown in to keep things lively and musical) but there must have been an enterprising Greek or perhaps a love struck Romeo from France's Mediterranean coast somewhere in her family pedigree, because Jennifer has decidedly olive-toned skin which tans* readily, no matter how assiduously she applies sunscreen. The only noticeable blemish to what was already in my mind an incredibly alluring face, one that I sensed that I would be a long time in tiring of looking at, was a small, raised mole on the bridge of her nose (which has since been then sacrificed to a dermatologist's scalpel). That mole and a slightly crooked and protruding incisor that gave her smile an endearing off kilter and canting to the left tilt were the only imperfections I could see. Before you judge me harshly for using the first minutes I would spend with the one-day mother of our children making an inventory of her visible flaws, take into consideration that I was gauging my chances with her the way I (and thankfully this is a distant memory) remember you do when you are dating and wondering if a person you have just met is out of your reach or somebody you might like to get to know better, who in turn would like to know you better. It's possible that the slightly crooked grin and lone blemish made Jenn seem less intimidating, but it's a certainty that I hadn't yet looked her in the eyes. Had I started there I might have shut my mouth, buried my nose in my text book and focused on the lecture at hand.
*Which is a constant source of consternation for her, One: because she knows the idea of a 'healthy tan' is a fallacy and a potentially lethal one at that and Two: because the tan-lines on her arms are so noticeable and distracting (her belief) when she conducts the choir. It's lead to her taking measures as drastic as covering all exposed skin except for her upper arms and shoulders with SPF 50 sunscreen when she runs and purchasing sleeveless cycling jerseys (which are not to her liking aesthetically but are sure great for beating the heat and evening out her unwanted tan) for when she rides. If she keeps doing marathons and triathlons she's bound to get the raccoon eyes that all endurance athletes share. I'm looking forward to the day she runs 15 miles while wearing a balaclava or burqa. When that day comes, remember, she's not a terrorist, just one of our benign neighbours from the north trying to achieve a consistent skin tone.

I'm certain there was a conversation beyond "shush". I know because before the class was over I had asked her the standard questions: her name, where she was from, what she was studying? I also know this because as I walked her to her job cutting fruit at the Cannon center (which happened to be in the same direction as my illegally parked car) she chided me for not asking questions that were more original or interesting. I vowed to come up with something better when I saw her at our next chemistry class, to which I showed up early trying to figure out how to nonchalantly find her without looking like I was trying to (nonchalantly) find her. To her credit, she was in the exact same back row spot, same seat empty next to her. If there was another person male or female sitting to the right of me I don't recall now and I'm sure I didn't notice that day either. We talked some more that second class, no "shush"-ing this time and I fell deeper under Jenn's spell. Whether she was intentionally casting it or not I still couldn't exactly say, nor did I care.
By our third class together she was sitting in the same seat only this time my usual spot was occupied by her book bag. For the briefest instant I thought I had overplayed my hand and she was actively trying to keep me from distracting her in class. Nothing could be further from the truth as it turned out. As soon as she saw me she moved her bag and let me take what I now considered 'my' seat. I probably should have asked her out right then, on more than one occasion over the next several days she said as much to her roommates: "Why doesn't this guy take a hint and ask me out?" (or words to that effect) When I finally did invite her on a date it came out more as an apology which she didn't let me deliver. She said yes before my torpid ramblings had a chance to come to a point. The reason I was making pre-emptive excuses for what it sounded like I was promising would be a pretty bad date was mostly the date itself: a screening of Monty Python's Holy Grail which my Humanities teacher was showing as part of his History of Civilization 1400 BC to the Present course. Every week he showed an era-appropriate movie two of which we were required to attend and about which we had to write a one page essay. He provided popcorn and encouraged us to treat the movies as a free date night, thus assisting in the University's unstated alternate mission of creating eternal couples while at the same time educating them (His words not mine, though experiences like that as well as 'the good news minute' that took the place of Ward business in my student ward Sacrament meetings in which the RS and EQ presidents would announce who got engaged the previous week, lead me to conclude that educating the masses is only one of the missions of BYU as an institution, and not always the main mission. My daughter Raechel will not be attending BYU. That's probably a good thing). But what can I say? It worked, at least once and we are almost certainly not my Humanities professor's only success story. I wish I could remember his name, I'd send him a Christmas card or maybe have Jenn bake him a pie. We owe him at least that much. That said, I wasn't sure a Monty Python comedy would be Jenn's cup of tea. Indeed I had no idea what her cup of tea might be but I was determined to find out.

a quiet civil servant at all but rather an international spy, but that's another blog entry for another time), both families took on side jobs to make ends meet. Jenn's family delivered Canadian Tire catalogs every spring and we had an outrageously large paper route that we did as a family each week. We had similar senses of humour, were in similar fields of study and, perhaps most importantly, we had nearly identical tastes in music, to wit she didn't like Country music. Though by the time we got around to the subject of music I told myself there are enough other perfect things about her that I could listen to Waylon-Yoakam- Tritt-Black-Garth-Haggard whatever it was, and be happy. I told myself this but probably didn't completely believe it. Thankfully, I was never forced to prove that point.
*Google search: Sniglets/pielibrium

all the right kind in all the places there should be curves. Somewhere between a Rubens portrait and those kitschy pin up girls WWII pilots painted on the sides of their airplanes. Jenn blamed her freshman curves on the time she spent working at Buns Master Bakery (that was the really the name. If you're suppressing the urge to snigger as you read that, just let it out. It's perfectly appropriate in this context, or any context. Buns Master [yep]) before she left for University.

*It's too good, I have to post it all:
I love you without knowing how,
or when,
or from where.
I love you simply,
without problems or pride:
I love you in this way
because I do not know any other way of loving but this,
in which there is no I or you,
so intimate that your hand upon my chest
is my hand,
so intimate that when I fall asleep
your eyes close.
-Pablo Neruda
-Pablo Neruda
(Yeah, what he said)
We moved on from the grassy knoll to a world that had changed for us the way it does for anybody who has fallen deeply and obliviously in love. The world could have crumbled around us and we may not have noticed. Of course it didn't crumble but some things of note that did occur in the year that I met, courted and married Jennifer that 'right frame of mind' me would have noticed (I had to look these up): Anita Hill testifies before congress and Clarence Thomas becomes a Supreme Court Justice, Ty Detmer passes for fifteen thousand yards, William Jefferson Clinton announces his candidacy for president and the Soviet Union officially comes to an end. I vaguely remember the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas debacle and in retrospect feel like maybe we should have listened more to her and less to Senators Orin Hatch and Alan Simpson, but this isn't a political blog, so let's just move on. I was actually at the game (vs Utah no less) when Ty Detmer went over 15k and remember feeling shockingly ambivalent about the whole thing. I do remember Bill Clinton but probably not for any of the reasons for which he wishes people remembered him. And that's when the Soviet Union officially collapsed? Huh. Where was I? Oh yeah, in love with Jennifer.

In November I asked Jenn to come home with me for Thanksgiving. It was a big move, taking a girl you are dating home to meet your family especially since my family was at that time in a state of disarray and my car was hardly reliable. I had no real confidence we would make it home and wasn't sure how things would go once we got there but Jenn was Canadian, I was from Southern California, the Utah winter was just beginning and it seemed worth the risk. My youngest brother Greg got us tickets to see Phantom of the Opera at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. The tickets were cheap because he was a student and because the performance was actually on Thanksgiving Day. So we got dressed in our Broadway Show, Sunday best and went. On Friday we took Jenn to the beach and tried surfing. I was never good at it, turns out neither is Jenn, but it didn't matter. We let Greg do the surfing while we walked on the pier, snapped photos on the beach and watched the sun go down. Saturday night we went to Hollywood with my best friend Jody. We strolled on the walk of fame, ate at the Beverly Hills Cafe and drove down Santa Monica Blvd to take a tour of the Los Angeles Temple grounds. Eight months later we would visit that temple again on the last day we would ever wake and not be husband and wife. I didn't realize it at the time but perhaps suspected that would happen one day, if not there then a temple in Canada of which there were only two at that time: Cardston and Toronto.
On the drive home we began to talk seriously about marriage. About what we expected and wanted. At first it was theoretical but as we drove deeper into the Nevada desert night it became more pointed, more personal. How many kids would we have? Where would we live after getting out of school. And the rest as the say is...
Only it's not history inasmuch as history books are static narratives of past events that don't and won't ever change. Our story, almost twenty three years old now, continues to be written. Through the years we have had our share of problems, personal tragedies, struggles and difficulties. There have been lean years and times of plenty. There have been seasons of joy, and those of sorrow, days when we've been madly in love and couldn't stop thinking about each other and times when we didn't stop loving one another despite not liking each other very much. We've gotten through all of it together and learned to look to one another for support and lean on each other for strength. We understand that we each have unique talents and abilities, our specialty dishes that we bring to the proverbial dinner banquet that is a marriage. Jenn has a head for organization is good with numbers, has an eye for detail and a mind that grasps abstract concepts intuitively. I have a Calvinist work ethic, an open mind with regard to most social issues and a sentimental view of life generally and relationships specifically. Jenn is in charge of finances, programming electronic equipment and DIY home improvement projects. I clean bathrooms, make meals on my days off, take the kids on outings to the rec center to swim or to football games and am in charge of making sure Jennifer is happy (that last one merits its own paragraph, see below). Together we make a pretty good team. If marriages were like an NCAA basketball playoff bracket I would definitely put us through to the sweet sixteen. With some strong small forward and shooting guard play by the kids in the form of spouses who get along with their mother-in-law and a maybe a cute grand kid or two coming off the bench, who knows how deep into this tournament we could go? But in reality, the real honour is to have been invited to the Big Dance in the first place and as long as the music is playing I will gleefully keep dancing.*
*Metaphorically of course. I don't dance, or sing for that matter. These were both sore spots with Jennifer. especially the singing. A well trained and pleasing to listen to singing voice straddled the line of very important vs absolutely necessary on the list teen-aged Jennifer made of traits she would look for in her future eternal companion. It's the reason I jot down memories, post blogs and dash off the occasional free verse poem. Not great or even good poetry by anybody's metric except perhaps Jennifer's and her evaluation is tainted by the fact that most of the poems are for (and about) her. But it's how I compensate for my inadequacy in the arena of performance art.
We have a tradition in our family that on a person's birthday we go around the room and each family member gets a chance to say what they like best about the birthday celeb du jour. On Jenn's birthday last April I commented that what I liked about her was that she is not easily pleased. Her father Terry (who happened to be visiting at the time) chuckled, I want to say ruefully. It's a trait with which he is familiar, one that spans at least three generations of women in our family. I realize "It's hard to make Jenn happy" doesn't sound like much of a compliment, especially when there are so many other easily identifiable character traits to choose from: she's a dedicated and attentive mother, a strong athlete, a talented (and when it comes to the violin, largely self-taught) musician. Those are all obvious and apparent to anybody who spends even a small amount of time getting to know Jennifer, but knowing her well enough to know what pleases her, working to discover that thing and then doing it? Well that's personal to me. It is my self-appointed vocation of twenty plus years and, all feigned humility aside, I've gotten pretty good at it. Jenn has always asserted that she has a mild form of Sensory Integration Disorder. I'm not going to bother explaining that unfortunate malady, you can look it up if you like and I'm not sure that Jenn has it in mild or severe form but I do know that things that don't bother the average person vex her. There are the normal things that would push anybody's buttons: an itchy tag in a shirt, a poorly tuned musical instrument, an offensive smell or disagreeable taste but there are also the things that most people would blow off: less than ideal lighting, one mismatched plate at the dinner table or the wrong table cloth for the dining occasion in question. We're currently on our third set of speakers in the van, each new pair more disappointing than the previous ones (and no economically feasible solution to that particular problem in sight). I long ago learned to not throw away receipts for any gift I buy Jenn. In fact it no longer seems gauche to just tape them to the gift prior to wrapping, which is what I often do. I'm past getting my feelings hurt when she returns anything I give her, even when it's something she specifically asked for. I've grown accustomed to the caprice and vagaries of her moods and tastes.

When Jenn notices her character traits (a certain amount of which she inherited from her own mother) in our daughter, Raechel she sighs and mutters "I feel so sorry for whomever marries her..." then catches herself and looks at me with that same apology in her eyes. What she doesn't realize is the sublime pleasure I feel when I find that perfect gift, say the right words or perform an act of service that makes her genuinely smile in appreciation. How the opportunity to try, even when I miss or it falls flat still feels like a privilege. The simple, unvarnished fact of the matter is this: making Jennifer Happy makes me Happy. So if it is edelweiss that is required then edelweiss I shall bring.
Today we celebrate twenty two years of marriage and mark nearly twenty three years since we first met. Again, more than half our lives. Every day that goes by, each week we spend together and every anniversary we celebrate, the fraction of our lives spent apart shrinks in size. There will always be that portion of time, relatively small though it may become, when there wasn't a 'we', when our lives weren't two halves of a new, and better in every way, whole. But there will also come a time when I am too old and feeble minded to remember that far back, when all I can manage to think about is how much I adore the wrinkled, gray haired, green eyed woman curled up under the blanket at the other end of the couch and how frustrating it is having hands too arthritic to give her a decent foot rub. Her crooked toothed smile will have long since been replaced by an artificial plate. Or, knowing how much Jennifer hates the look of an obvious denture, it might be a toothless grin with which she favours me. Perhaps I will try to spoon feed her some applesauce and she will wrinkle her nose at me and say "Applesauce? Blech! I've never liked applesauce, don't you know? (textures, of course, she's still my same Jennifer after seven decades together, you would think I would learn but my nonagenarian mind lets so many facts slip away...) the only reason I ever buy it is to make gluten free pumpkin, chocolate chip muffins." And then her breath will catch, her clouded eyes will momentarily brighten and she'll say "Oh, that's what I want, a pumpkin muffin. Do you have that?" I'll want to tell her sure, but if you're going to eat it you will have to put your teeth back in... but I won't because I will have already pulled my tired bones off the couch and begun the tricky negotiation of the stairs that take me from our step down family room to the kitchen, the still glowing embers in my heart stoked at the prospect of making Jennifer happy, one more time. I will wonder to myself, as I often do these days, if this will be the last trip I make for her to that distant mountain meadow, seeking those elusive but oh so gratifying wildflowers. The thought that there will be a last trip, a last smile, a last sparkling, green-eyed glance of appreciation will make me at once wistful that it is ending and grateful that it ever was. I look forward to that last day and that last opportunity, sad though it is bound to be, and I will savour every day and every opportunity between then and now.
Happy anniversary Jennifer, I love you. It feels as though I always have and I knew long before I ever sat down to write this that I always would.
I love you.
Do you
Of course you
But I thought
of you today
and wondered
how was your run?
and what's
going on in your day?
Was it
Did you feel
Did you feel
If so, when?
Not joking,
but really wondering.
Because I loved
you today,
just as I was
walking into my office to sit down
I felt one of
those twinges
that are
equal parts
thoughts of
and emotions
you inspire,
with just
enough physical sensation thrown in
that you
can't pretend it's not there.
So you have
to write it down
and then ask
the question
Did I tell
you I love you today?
That I love
you right now?
and will
likely love you again tomorrow?
And If you
are grumpy on Sunday
I might
forget to tell you
'I love
on that day
but it won't
be because I have stopped loving you
So I will tell
you now,
I love you on
Sunday too.
Thought you
should know