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I'm a ritual kinda guy, even when it doesn't necessarily work but this works |
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Guys, it's hot, like really hot. Like I want to stay right here in the shade hot. I should probably wear a cooling coloured bib kit on a day like today. Black maybe, you think? |
About five miles out of Moab I saw the first Zone 5 cyclist (Mary, one of the strongest amateur female cyclists in the state) stopped roadside, an apparent mechanical issue. Two miles further on, Marci (another Zone 5-er and QOM champ) was similarly sidelined. I settled in with four cyclists, only one of whom was willing (or able) to hold a paceline, a guy named Gregg from Brigham city a Rockwell (and Cyclist 1) veteran broke away and we worked together for about 30 miles.
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Cap'n Engar putting it all on the line for Team Honey Mooners,
nearly pulling a hammy' but nailing the hose down
Team Honey Mooners support was on point, always the case for the first couple of legs before, one by one, you take your turn in the saddle, burn your pent up energy and race nerves and settle into resignation and shock at the reality of what you just did and what you still have left. They soaked me down and kept me plied with fresh bottles and the occasional potato, though I had lots of food in my pockets which I was eating regularly (as instructed). Around mile thirty the Zone 5 caravan caught us. First Marci and Billy, then Mary and half a dozen other Zone 5 riders, making me wonder how many team they actually brought. Turns out the emptied the support vehicles in the first 15 miles and fought (in vain as it turned out) to get back in the competition. At the moment Mary was struggling and at the breaking point. You can be strong and well trained but if you push too hard you flame out, no matter who you are or how well conditioned you've become, a point I've proven to myself more times than a sentient individual should have to before he/she learns the lesson. These conditions were not helping as we were battling more wind and more heat than I ever did on this leg in five previous efforts. I joined the group and worked with them, pushing my watts higher than may have been prudent but getting help too. Gregg dropped off, and eventually I dropped off. The group pulled away just before the last climb and eventually a couple of big, strong looking riders (Team Wolfpack) also dropped off and worked with me for a few miles before they too got cracked by the wind.
Top of the last climb I told Cap'n Engar, politely, that I had everything I needed and to please leave me to the last ten miles of my ride and go get Jenn ready to start leg two in Monticello. This they did and I soldiered on through the mounting headwinds and heat. I rolled into the first exchange in 3 hrs and 41 minutes. A PR* for most time** spent pedaling the 55 miles from Moab to Monticello! If we were hoping to compete, even if it was just with ourselves, I had just dug us a thirty nine minute hole, but felt completely satisfied with the effort. I had averaged 225 Watts for the three hours (15 more than Golden Cheetah told me I should have) but rode within myself, working with riders when I could and never blowing up. I cut Jenn loose, knowing she was about to get her 45 year old, lycra ensconced butt handed to her by the 46 miles and 2600 feet of climb between Monticello and the Mule Canyon Wilderness trailhead, miles that would cook like a swirling convection oven and hurt far worse than the they did on that temperate June morning in 2015, a day that seemed a world away now. I gave her the traditional smack on the spandex and sent her on her way. Thad immediately began handing me food and drink and telling me to eat it, now. And I immediately began not eating or drinking as much as I should have. Honestly, what I need is a feed bag and a time frame (noted on our growing list of things to do differently next year).
*I should give up on Family Medicine and be a spin doctor instead
**looking at stats after the fact, this leg did a number on every single cyclist 1. Fatty, for instance, did this leg last year in 2:35. This year? 3:16. Forty one minutes slower, almost identical to the thirty nine I had just donated. Even the pros (Cameran Hoffman and the Livewell automatons) took 3:06 to finish leg 1 this year. It was an ominous harbinger of what what the roads ahead held for us.
We took enough time for me to shed my shoes and put on a T-shirt and we were off to find Jenn. At these temperatures and under these conditions, leaving your rider for even more than a few miles or minutes was unwise. We took our (now traditional) lunch break at the laundromat in Blanding, where I ate but clearly not enough, and then chased her down, not hard to do on a day like today. We tracked team(s) TRG and team Chimera (co-ed competitive and our closest competition 70 miles into the 500+ mile race) losing ground to the former and putting serious time into the latter. A feat Jenn would do time and time again. Team Chorizo/Chupacabra/Chimera's cyclist 1 would put the hurtin' on me and then Jenn would jump in the saddle and administer the payback, with interest. Despite her valiant efforts, it was clear, to me at least, that our dreams of a sub 30 hour finish were going to remain just that, but this race would still challenge us. Shaving time from last year's effort wasn't out of the question but the constant and unyielding southwest wind was going to make us work for every mile and every minute. In fact, Jenn, despite heroically pushing into the earth baking, soul crushing heat, was currently adding to rather than chipping away at our time deficit compared to 2015. I knew once Thad got on the bike the route would turn obliquely to the wind and by the time Kim was turning the cranks the wind (if weatherunderground's predictions could be trusted and so far the wind and warm were exactly as advertised) it should be squarely at her back. The thing we were losing (and had lost to the by no less than 40 % compared to last year) were wheels to work with and bodies to block the heat storm. Jenn had been caught and dropped by the pair of Wolfpack riders that started 5 minutes in arrears, but on the final climb, the one we incorrectly assumed Jenn had enough fluids to cover, she caught them again, and found them floundering.
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Jenn thought bubble: "That water bottle soaking isn't going to cut it.
Too late to sign up for the ice bucket challenge?"
Going in to the second exchange we were a full hour in the red but the Rockwell Road is a winding one and eventually the constant blow back would be negated and even help us. At least that's what I told myself as Thad, Kim and I simmered roadside, waiting for Jenn to crest the eternal climb that marks the end of leg 2.
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"OK, so if I give this bottle to you will you fill it up and give it back? Promise? Cause I don't want to be out here without any water..." |
The effort Jenn made to reach exchange 2 before the hapless Beta Wolves from Team 'pack paid off hugely though as Thad pedaled out of the Mule Canyon Wilderness exchange flanked by a pair of Gama males from their team. This I knew would be a serious boon to the pack as, having ridden behind the cap'n, I know that he leaves a jet stream similar to that of a 747 luxury liner in his wake. Jenn dismounted, totally physically spent but with an unbroken but thoroughly cooked spirit. She would spend the next 6 hours trying, mostly in vain, to bring down her core body temperature before she would have to ride again.
Body heat/hydration, as it turns out, is a lot like nutrition. Once you are past a certain deficit point you are done until you can be someplace cool and maybe wet (like a water theme park?) for several hours. Unfortunately there were no waterslides or wading pools handy at the moment.
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Crewin' for the Cap'n |
I've said it before and it remains true, Thad knows his business on the bike and, like a consummate captain, is capable of directing the crew to maximize the efficiency. Empty a bottle of product, hose down with a bottle of water, grab refills keep pedaling, repeat until you finish your allotted miles. It's like watching a finely tuned Swiss watch, albeit one that pushes 240 watts for hours on end. And, like I've said before, what Thad's rides lack in drama they more than makes up for in results. Having entered the world of power meter training I've watched Thad's number's with interest and growing respect as he would post rides of an hour at 290 watts and ninety minutes at 285. Trust me when I tell you these are huge numbers and a bit mystifying. How do you maintain that level of effort in city riding, where stop signs, descents, traffic and crappy roads all combine to thwart your power output? I wasn't doubtful I was just intrigued. Did he simply have a power meter setting that negates any half pedaling? The answer came on our Memorial Day Big mtn climb, a ride we did as a team and during which he averaged 263 watts for more than four hours. I sat in his draft (for as long as I could hold on) and watched as he pushed the pedals at constant cadence of about a 100 and never soft pedaled anything. The man does not turn an ambivalent crank... ever. All business, all the time. That's our leader.

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I wonder if it could possibly get any hotter? No? Oh good, I would hate to think we were missing out |
I'm certain it was with this in mind that Thad, having just swallowed his own jagged Rockwell Relay pill of misery, jumped back on his bike, just as Kim exited the relatively protected confines of the Lake Powell grotto and began the arduous twenty mile climb that occupies the middle of Kim's first leg. It was the courageous and strategically savvy move of a shrewd Team Captain and the act of genuine kindness and compassion of a loving husband. One of the most indelible images I hold in my mind from the the last ever Rockwell Relay is that of Thad, who is a big guy (not big in the gentle Teddy bear way but big in the, 'if you need a protection detail, somebody to stand between you and a person or persons who mean you harm call this man, he will get the job done' big) and Kim who is a petite woman (though even Jenn at 5'9" looks petite next to the Cap'n) pedaling into Utah desert, the sun setting on the horizon, Thad's arm fully extending, pushing Kim toward the summit. It was an oddly tender tableau. I wish I had a photo but then again it was somehow intimate in a way that belongs to the moment itself. It reminded me that we were doing this race, not just with people we loved to ride with, but with people we loved: our wives, the mothers of our children and the women we asked to spend the rest of their lives with us. Bonus when that time is spent in activities like this one. Huge bonus. The moment passed and soon we were again telling each other how sexy their current wattage numbers made them look and joking about how much more interesting this race would be if our current teammates came with as casual an attitude about wearing clothes in public as our former teammate Josh had. But it was a real moment and one that has stuck with me.
Next up: Moonlight riding in the National Park, Taking in the Torrey nightlife, Boulder Mountain revisited, Cap'n Engar takes down the Grand Staircase Escalante but nobody sees it (again).