Moab Leg 8 Details
Distance: | 36.1 Miles |
Start Elevation: | 5,983 Feet |
Finish Elevation: | 6,632 Feet |
Total Ascent: | 1,998 Feet |
Total Descent: | -1,345 Feet |
Net Elevation: | 649 Feet |
High Point | 7,838 Feet |
Low Point: | 5,809 Feet |

Leg 8 Notes
Shortly after leaving Henrieville you will pass through the small towns of Cannonville and Tropic. In Cannonville at mileage 3.4 you can find a visitors center for the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. After Tropic enjoy the views to the west of Bryce Canyon National Park from below. At mileage 10.9 you will enter the Park. The road winds up the canyon with spectacular red hoodoos all around. Yes, the official name is a hoodoo. Reach the summit at mileage 14.4 and stay on top the plateau for about 9 miles, then begin the decent into Red Canyon. Again more hoodoos in every direction and pass though the 2 red rock tunnels at mileage 24.4 and 24.5. At the bottom of Red Canyon take a right in UT-89 and finish the leg into Panguitch.
Like I said earlier, Thad covers* the Boulder to Henrieville midnight run like a Japanese bullet train in express mode, arriving in 3hrs 20min. We know he's coming in hot so when we get to the exchange we park and scatter to battle stations. Kim heads into the church bathroom that the denizens of Henrieville (population 159, though on the second Saturday in June that number increases almost exponentially) are kind enough to loan us, Jenn hydration and lights: helmet and handlebars (Thad gave us complex instructions on how to get said light set charged which I probably would have promptly forgotten even with a full night's sleep and a clear head but which Kim and Jenn,who at the time was bombing down boulder mtn's** south slope must have figured out cause lights are on and blazin') and I get bento box, saddle bag and tail light duty and working together we manage to get Kim and her bike to the exchange chute just after Thad arrives. We do give back a couple of those hard earned minutes, but only a couple. And really, Thad has only himself to blame (why so fast Cap'n Engar?)
*Upon further review, only 20 cyclists did that leg faster than him this year, not 33 like originally reported. Crazy. I'm still trying to process that.
** (also, from previous blog entry) Post race addendum. A male cyclist's time was listed along with the QOM finishers as the second fastest. This has since been amended and Jennifer actually took the third spot (podium finish) on the Boulder KOM/QOM climb (woot-woot). In the awards ceremony they only recognized the King & Queen respectively which is a good thing because otherwise we would have to call up the Rockwell Riders and organizers and hold a post hoc podium ceremony and photo op, I would insist upon it. That said, it was a brilliant performance on her first time doing Rockwell against veteran riders.
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"There were breakfast burritos? Where? When?" -Kim |
Kim's first leg featured her longest climb, this one is the steepest, but shorter. Lots shorter (I thought) but in actuality it's more than a dozen miles of climb. Some gorgeous scenery as you move into Bryce Canyon National Park but the big effort Kim and team Taking Turns' gave on day one that got us to Capitol Reef in the light of day is now costing her the majestic views of Bryce Canyon's hoodoos as she climbs the 15 miles from Cannonville to the high desert plains outside Panguitch in darkness. I wish I could say we were right there with her, that our collective 'off the bike' energy propelled her to the heights but that would be less than accurate. What I can recall are at least three separate roadside conversations that were variations of:
Jenn: (startling herself awake) "wha, wha, did she pass us already?"
Thad: (twitch, snore, mutter something like 'stupid burrito' then pass out again)
Me: "I don't know, I was asleep."
Jenn "You're supposed to be watching, you've slept more than any of us."
Which, true, but at this point that's like being the member of a leper colony with the most remaining digits, possibly noteworthy but hardly helpful. None of us are in any shape to offer more than the most cursory assistance to our rider. We've always said a dedicated driver (really two) would be ideal but have never actively pursued it but probably should. We needn't have worried though, If Kim's battle with the desert roads from Lake Powell to Hanksville left any scars, physical or psychological she's showing no signs of it now. She handles the solitude, the cold, the dark, the hill, the washed out and reduced to one pot holed-gravel lane near the summit of the Bryce Canyon climb with aplomb. Meanwhile we are are waging our own personal wars with fatigue, cramped quarters, even more cramped muscles and the after effects of roadside breakfast burritos. Thad, after a valiant effort, loses said battle and returns his Bountiful Bike blue plate special to its mother earth. The incident has Jenn (who has tossed her cookies exactly twice in the last 35 years, the second time resulting in a trip to the emergency department) worrying that he will be unable to finish his last leg and she begins doing the inevitable arithmetic in her head, mentally dividing Thad's remaining miles among us. I know better however. 'Juice has got strong legs and an even stronger heart and lungs but he has a semi-weak stomach and is prone to motion sickness. He's done some serious spinning on twisty roads at speed and elevation. He just needs to puke a little. Give him a breath mint and a nap and he'll right as rain, I'm confident. Jenn isn't so sure but goes along, because what else can she do?
Within a few minutes of 'the Burrito Incident' Kim blows past our roadside pitstop, yell's "Team!" startles us to activity and when we chase her down for a 'last call!' and she cuts us loose to make the final run into Panguitch. It's lighter now, though the sun has yet to show itself on the horizon. It's cold but has been colder, even later in the day in years past. Again, these conditions will be hard to improve upon, ever but those same idyllic conditions leave me standing in front of my duffel bag like Jenn in our closet on Sunday morning, wondering what will be the right thing to wear. I'm still debating as Kim rolls in to the exchange at 6:50 AM, logging a more than respectable 2 hr 48 minute finish arriving exactly 12 hours (almost to the minute) since she and I did this same thing in Hanksville. These last 4 legs are bound to be covered in far less time.
Unlike previous Cyclist 1 legs, leg 9 (at least the revised Duck Creek Re-route) features some significant downhill. A welcome first for my now road weary legs. Of course before you get to the downhill you climb, climb some more and climb some more after that. Also, your joy at finally being allowed to bomb a descent is tempered by the knowledge you have from past rides, and now the updated in hard copy but not online race bible, that every foot you go down you will have to climb again (again). Couple that with the early hour, the unpredictable temperatures, the lack of sleep... Boy, sounds like we're working on a theme re: this race. Have you noticed? But as with earlier legs of this race, conditions couldn't have been much better. I climbed and climbed and then climbed some more after that (see above) and didn't see much in the way of other riders or teams for the first half of the ride. Both Jenn and Kim have told me (multiple times) that I looked good, strong even on this section of road which I think probably had more to do with the terrain we were covering as opposed to how hard I was pushing. You tend to develop a very keen sense of sympathy pain for the guy (or, new this year to us: /gal) in the saddle as you see and then drive effortlessly up the hills he/she will have to pedal. You know how tired your own legs are, how unwilling you feel to hop back on your bike and your soul groans a little every time you see the road pitch up and keep climbing. It can make a very journeyman-like effort appear absolutely heroic to the exhausted observer.
Just past Panguitch lake I see my first cyclist and work on reeling him in, it takes a bit but I do so and am just beginning to congratulate myself when I realize he's not wearing a bib number on his jersey or bike, just a guy out on an early Saturday morning ride and probably wondering why I look so pleased with myself for passing him. I do catch the lead* rider of team Daisy Chain (eventual women's competitive champs) just before Mammoth Creek Road and I tell her about our upcoming reprieve from the constant climbing. It was welcome news for both of us. As I climbed out of the Duck Creek Depression (both geographical and emotional, dropping a thousand feet just to climb those same thousand before you even turn a crank on level ground will get you down in the mouth) we began encountering runners of a Zion-based Ragnar race whose route coincided for about thirty miles with that of our Relay (and yeah, I caught and dropped dozens of them).
*yeah I'm congratulating myself for beating a girl. If nothing else this ride completely erases any antiquated notions like being 'chicked' on a ride or inequality of gender. If you're still on your bike and pedaling at this point, you are an athlete and a strong one, simple as that
About a mile from the exchange, not certain because there were no helpful and encouraging two miles and one mile left, blinking road signs like there have been on previous legs (I'm not implying the Ragnar runners stole them, but they are the only other people up here and if I were running at this altitude, encountered a sign that told me I was done in a mile and then later found out it was lying, well I would at the very least go back and find that sign and throw it in the bushes, just sayin') I get passed by Jared and another rider he is working with. He gives me a friendly pat on the shoulder and a 'good job, keep it going' and pedals off, like he has a special arrangement with gravity that I don't. Which of course he does and if said arrangement were expressed as another Rockwell Relay math equation it would go something like this:
Where X=the weight of the climber from Team Taking Turns With Spouses:
Jared = 2/3X
Which yields the predictable result in split times. If you remove all the teams who don't post a split time for this leg (and there were about a dozen which means teams are getting too tired to remember how to ride through a timing chute or more likely are skipping legs, taking a nap and driving to the next exchange) I'm about the same for this leg as the others. Faster than some, but slower than a lot more. Bottom line is, to be competitive in this race you need a true climber, not just a guy who doesn't mind riding up hills. It also means that while we were sleeping and having disagreements with each other and the food we ate in Henrieville, Kim was busy catching and dropping (again) cyclist 4 from Jared's team.
I make the Duck Creek exchange in just over two and a half hours, and at ~9:30 am I unstrap and deliver the time chip to Jennifer one final time and though this race will go on for us well into the afternoon, my part of it is O-ver! It's about this time that cyclist 3&4 start thinking "You know those hills really aren't that bad and there aren't that many of them. It would be totally worth it to climb them if I could be done right now." And, to an extent (and that extent may or may not involve having your will broken and your soul bruised) they are right. It feels great to be done.
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Still working off Jenn's resourceful screen shots |
Each cyclist gains at least a passing knowledge of the terrain with which his/her other three teammates will have to contend but you study your pages in the race bible like it truly is Holy Writ and your cycling salvation depends on it. So Jenn knows what she has coming or at least believes she does. The theme of this leg is descent, almost 5k worth of descent from close to ten thousand feet near Cedar Breaks down to main street in Cedar city. Lots of things can happen to roads at this elevation and from a cyclists' standpoint, most of them are bad. One year the planned route had not been opened yet because snow hadn't melted, another year a massive mudslide closed down the canyon for six months. Even on the best years, like the one we are currently experiencing, the roads at this elevation pitch and wind dramatically. It keeps things visually engaging and on any other day would be the sort of adventure you love to have on a bike but today is not any other day. Jenn is confronting the limits of how well prepared you can be basing your knowledge on what the race bible and first hand accounts from past riders can tell you. It's easy to dismiss this leg when you compare it to what you had to do by yourself, in the dark of night on Boulder Mountain. And it's a valid point, the two are far from comparable but this leg still has climb, 1500 feet worth and now at altitudes above nine thousand feet on muscles that instead of being allowed to recover have been used harshly and badly mistreated and are now struggling with the limited oxygen they are being supplied.
In short (as previously stated) Rockwell Relay gives no free passes and Jenn is receiving a personal witness of that fact. I tried to warn her this leg will fool you. There is climbing, a ride over Suncrest worth of climb. Those vertical feet are stretched over 14 miles as opposed to the 4.5 of Suncrest but it's steep at times and you will be tired. Very tired. In every way you can be tired. Only Jenn knows if she took that advice to heart and to what extent she was unpleasantly surprised by leg 10. By her own admission she could have done it faster but I feel that way after almost every ride, training or racing, that I do. It's that selective memory, universal to all endurance athletes that clouds out the pain and misery and keeps you coming back for more. Keeps you believing you can improve on a result because when you are reviewing your numbers on Strava you are filtering out the recent burning of your lungs, cramping of your muscles the pounding of your heart, and the throbbing in your head.

Moab Leg 11 Details
Distance: | 41.5 Miles |
Start Elevation: | 5,871 Feet |
Finish Elevation: | 5,362 Feet |
Total Ascent: | 1,224 Feet |
Total Descent: | -1,654 Feet |
Net Elevation: | -509 Feet |
High Point: | 6,467 Feet |
Low Point: | 5,295 Feet |
Leg Notes
After leaving Cedar City make the 1,000 foot climb to the Iron Mountain Pass where early Utahn’s settled in 1850 as part of the “iron mission.” After the pass at mile 30.0 arrive to the quaint town of Newcastle and follow the Bench Road through the ranchlands until you arrive to Enterprise.
Leg Nicknames: Forty Miles of Charmless Road, I expected more from town called Enterprise, Hit the Showers and simply Merde!*
*Thad insisted on that last one and bases it on his experience riding through the thoroughly visually and olfactorally unpleasant, wind swept farm roads of east Iron County and for my Francophone readers I looked it up. It means dung.
Another nickname for this leg could be "Are we seriously still doing this? Still? Seriously?" The answer in triplicate rhetorical form is "Yes, we are.". Thad is geared up, water bottles full, tires pumped and legs ready to churn and he has to sit on that simmering pot as he watches one team after another meet their rider and send them off. Having done this before he knows how long, hot, windy not to mention bleak this leg can be. He could use some company, if for no other reason than to break up the monotony. He chats up every rider* that mounts up and sidles next to him in the chute gauging their level of fitness, confidence and suitability as a much envied and rarely available at this point in the race, ride partner. He's generally encouraged with his responses and prospects and then equally saddened as they pedal off, leaving him like a refugee waiting in camp for his visa to be approved.
After half a dozen prospects come and go (including Jared's cyclist 3 rider) Jenn arrives, gives Thad the customary smack on the bum for luck and tells him get to it which he does in very Thad-like fashion. If you come to Rockwell seeking drama (ie will our rider make it to the next exchange? Will he crack and give up? Will the conditions be too tough, the race too challenging, the wind and heat too formidable) then Thad is not your ideal teammate. He comes prepared to get the job done and then rides exactly the same way he trained putting down the exact numbers* he knew he would not surprising himself in the least by his performance. If you want drama choose a 'Real Housewives of...' to watch but don't try to find it by making the 'Juice a member or your team.
*possible exception (again, still) his soon to be the stuff of Rockwell Legend midnight run through the Grand Staircase Escalante Monument
We let Jenn get changed and cleaned (as much as you can do those two things in a port-a-pottie in a middle school parking lot), find some food* to eat and go track our rider who (big surprise) is taking care of business. He has already started catching (and after a few hundred meters dropping) riders who left Cedar City before him, so the sting of waiting to ride has been lessened somewhat and now the biggest competitor he is facing is the heat and (you knew it couldn't stay away forever) the wind. The former is the real deal, the latter is still manageable especially compared to past stints he has put in on this road. We hand him a bottle and he sends us up to the top of Iron Mountain, about the midway point of his ride and after all his climbing (or all that he remembers there is) is done. We waves us from there to the exchange to wait for him with the assurance that he won't be long. We drive the indirect distance to Enterprise and it feels loooooong and hot and dusty and though none of us says anything we are all thinking 'that's a lot of ground to cover on one water bottle' " Then Kim does say it "That felt like more than 20 miles, didn't it? Do you think we should maybe go back." Which we debate longer than we should because Thad cut us loose and if we go back we might lose more time at the exchange if Kim isn't ready when he comes in. Even if you're not competing for a podium spot, those lost minutes befuddle you as you play the multi-layered 'if only' game in the months ahead. Kim has been married to Thad for almost two decades. I've ridden thousands of miles with him, have plotted and planned for this race for months and years, we know how he thinks even when he doesn't say it out loud. Finally we just give in and figure if he doesn't need us we will hustle it up team style like we did in Henrieville and have Kim ready on time one way or another.
*Arby's, which like a lot of things we do this weekend is only OK within the 'normal rules of demeanor and decorum, sensibility and sanity don't necessarily apply here' bubble that is the Rockwell Relay
*possible exception (again, still) his soon to be the stuff of Rockwell Legend midnight run through the Grand Staircase Escalante Monument
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the penultimate bottle exchange. good thing we went back for one more |
*Arby's, which like a lot of things we do this weekend is only OK within the 'normal rules of demeanor and decorum, sensibility and sanity don't necessarily apply here' bubble that is the Rockwell Relay
The decision to go back turns out to be the right one, a game saver even. Thad is still 10 miles out (turns out there was still one more hill, this should come as no surprise to any of us at this point, there is always one more hill) when we get to him, pedaling into the hottest hours of the day with maybe a swallow of water left in his bottle and another 35 minutes of hard riding ahead of him. As soon as he sees us he looks absolutely relieved, rescued even. He promptly swigs the last of his liquid and reaches out graciously for the last bottle we brought. We speed back to the exchange (again at a new locale, not in the parking lot of the Truck Stop/Convenience Store (with bathing facilities where it usually is) which is actually half a mile closer than the old spot which turned out to be exactly where Thad was willing to ride, and not a meter more. Kim mounts up and heads south, into the heat to brave the steep hills and violent crosswinds of Veyo. I rack Thad's bike and drive him to the Truckstop/YMCA so he can shower up. He has done this every year and swears it is the best five-buck Truck Stop shower on the planet. Which, like me claiming that the parking lot in Escalante High School the best pavement for sleeping seems to be damning with the faintest of praise but Thad swears by it and we won't be leaving until he gets his shower so we leave him to it.
Moab Leg 12 Details
Distance: | 39.6 Miles |
Start Elevation: | 5,362 Feet |
Finish Elevation: | 2,687 Feet |
Total Ascent: | 1,020 Feet |
Total Descent: | -3,658 Feet |
Net Elevation: | -2,675 Feet |
High Point: | 6,175 Feet |
Low Point: | 2,687 Feet |
Leg 12 Notes
What better way to finish the Rockwell Relay than with a 3,000 foot plus decent into St. George. Pass through the cedar and juniper rich mountains south of Enterprise and then descend down through the ancient volcanoes near Veyo. The route follows the St. George Marathon route into downtown. Obey all traffic rules and stoplights in St. George. If desired the 3 team members can meet up with Cyclist #4 at the north end of Diagonal St. to finish the last mile of the course together. Follow Diagonal St and follow the signs flags to Bluff Street park. Victory! You have made it and deserve a good rest and time to relax. The Bluff Street Park is the ideal place to sit, lay down, or nap in the shade and get the rest you need. Congratulations!

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Before I can get the camera locked and loaded Kim is across the line and ready to dismount for the last time |
The numbers don't lie, across the board, leg by leg, split by split, our wives have equaled the best efforts of their predecessors, and if you match them against total time on the bike for cyclists 2 and 4 as an aggregate year by year they beat them, hands down. It's a game performance on their parts. They have done themselves and the Relay proud and it has been an honour to ride with them.